Lawn Care Packages

Our Simple 4 step treatment programme:


March / May

We spread our mini granular fertiliser on your entire lawn getting your lawn off to a good start early in the year. The lawn is also sprayed with a selective weed killer to stop any early weed development.


May / July

The correct analysis of non scorch granular fertiliser is used to give optimum results. Your lawn will be sprayed again but this weed killer is specifically to tackle the more persistent species.


July / September

A mini granular fertiliser is applied once again designed not to give too much growth but to work on building a strong healthy root system. The lawn is once again sprayed with weed killer to tackle any remaining weeds.


September / November

The final treatment of the year is a liquid treatment which will give rapid green-up but will also control any moss present in the lawn. This treatment will toughen the turf and enable your lawn to remain green through the winter months.

Our Packages

We provide professional lawn care services in West Wales and South Wales. Our aim is to make sure you have a lawn to be proud of, for less than you would think! Our 3 main packages are outlined below:

Silver Package


 Our 4 step treatment programme detailed above including:

• Lawn Fertiliser
• Selective Weed Killer
• Analysis of fertiliser & Selective Respray
• Specialised Liquid Treatment for colour & protection

Gold Package

Our 4 step treatment programme detailed above including:

• Lawn Fertiliser
• Selective Weed Killer
• Analysis of fertiliser & Selective Respray
• Specialised Liquid Treatment for colour & protection

+ Scarification

+ Aeriation

Platinum Package

Our 4 step treatment programme detailed above including:

• Lawn Fertiliser
• Selective Weed Killer
• Analysis of fertiliser & Selective Respray
• Specialised Liquid Treatment for colour & protection

+ Scarification

+ Aeriation

+ Grow Slow Treatment

+ Pest Control

+ Disease Control

+ Water Conserver

We offer a full range of lawn treatment services.


Contact us today to get your Lawn surveyed completely free!